Two Many Cats – pattern

Unique Spool by Roberta Dent
TWO MANY CATS---Simply purrfic!! Cute wall hanging of a woman and her cats. Wouldn't it be fun to give the cat woman in your life a wall hanging with her favorite cats or make one for yourself. Using fusible web and your imagination she is sure to please. Great size for the back of a vest or decorate a skirt.
Pattern includes a total of 5 cat figures. Technique uses fusible web
for a quick and easy project. An original design by Roberta Dent
from the Unique Spool.
14.5x23 inches
Fabric requirements: With border.
Skirt......5”x 8”
Vest.....6” x 6”
Blouse.....3” x 3”
Shoes......3” x 2”
Skin tone.....6” x 8”
Cats.....5” x 5” each
Background.....11” x 20”
First Border.....1/8 yard
Second Border.....1/4 yard”
Hair....3" x 3" or yarn or wool
Embellishments: Beads for necklace, earrings, braclet, rings.
Fabric marking pens for cat details.
Fusible web.......1/2 yard